Saturday, May 26, 2012

Black Dude, White Chick: The Show! Episode 21

Tonight's show was a run for the money! With topics that include:
- Black people who aren't rapists
- Old, lonely pharmacy freaks
- Nurse greed
- How to kill your spouse (and get away with it)

AND MUCH MORE!  Just click below to listen!

By the way, head over to our Facebook page and hit a LIKE:

And SUBSCRIBE on Itunes!!/id518236594

We love doing the show but we need some listeners to keep us doing it.  So listen, subscribe and most importantly, SHARE! Thanks!


  1. Chris Rock once joked that if you haven't contemplated killing your spouse then you're not in love. The fact you two had an actual discussion about it on the podcast means your love is eternal. LOL!!!

  2. THANKS for the listening and THANKS for the pub on Twitter! And re spouse killing convo: That honestly could have been the most fun 10 minutes we've had on the show yet. Complete and total honesty and insanity made for what could be future evidence against one of us.
